Hi everyone, it’s Amanda here from His and Hers Beauty and Skin Solutions. Today I am here to talk about Dermapen, which is also known as skin needling or collagen injection therapy. Here is a look at the pen and how the needles come.
This treatment often has a little bit of negativity around it, but it shouldn’t! It is an amazing treatment that uses your own natural body to reproduce healthy skin. So NO botox or injectables are required. Isn’t that amazing?
I love Dermapen because it was the only treatment that has helped with my acne scarring. It is one of the most advanced treatments on the market right now that has no downtime and doesn’t allow chemicals to be injected into the skin.
Dermapen uses disposable fine micro needles that vertically pierce the skin. The pen glides over the skin creating millions of fine channels. While creating these micro punctures in the skin the body naturally responds by launching processes to repair the physical damage. The result is an increased production of normal woven collagen, similar to fractional laser treatments but without the side effects and downtime.

The amount of treatments that you need depends on the condition we are treating and the list for this is endless, to name a few:
- Acne or breakout skins
- Acne scarring
- Keloid scarring
- Stretch marks
- Pigmentation or sun damaged skin
- Skin tightening and rejuvenation
- Ageing skin
- Vertical lip lines
- Alopecia
Book an appointment with us and we will go through everything you need to know about how we can treat those skin conditions that you would love to no longer deal with.
So give us a call or message or contact us through Facebook so we can make you feel comfortable in your skin.